Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Every bride needs to have a wedding day emergency kit

Its almost here…the big day is right around the corner! Your dreams are coming to life, and even though you’ve been planning for months, you really need to be prepared for a few minor emergencies…they are simply unavoidable, but there is no reason they should ruin your day. A wedding day emergency kit is a must-have for every bride and we’ve got a list you can use as guide. So, grab up these items, place them in a cute tote and know you are prepared for anything!

The Wedding Day Emergency Kit Checklist

A wedding day emergency kit includes simple everyday items, as well as wedding-specific items. You never know when a guest might need some antacid or some aspirin or a bridesmaid will spill on her dress.


  • Aspirin or Ibuprofen.
  • Baby or talcum powder.
  • Bobby pins.
  • White-out or white chalk (last resort for covering up stains on a wedding dress)
  • Bottled water.
  • Breath mints.
  • Cellophane tape.
  • Clean sheet for the bride to dress (Placing a sheet on the floor for the bride to stand on while dressing helps avoid getting excess dirt and dust on her gown)
  • Clean white cloth (for cleaning stains on a wedding dress)
  • Clear bandages or liquid bandage.
  • Clear nail polish.
  • Corsage pins.
  • Crackers, energy bars, etc.
  • Deodorant.
  • Double-stick tape.
  • Facial tissue or handkerchief.
  • Glue (super glue, hot glue, and hot glue gun)
  • Hairspray.
  • Money.
  • Mouthwash.
  • Nail glue.
  • Nail polish (to match your shade for a quick touchup)
  • Rubber bands.
  • Tampons.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing kit (including straight pins, needle, and thread-white and black thread as well as a color to match the bridesmaid’s dresses and the groomsmen’s accessories)
  • Spot remover.
  • Static cling spray.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Tweezers.

To ensure you and your maids gowns look picture perfect (so you will have a good start) let Omaha Lace Cleaners, press and deliver your gowns to your wedding venue. It eliminates the worry of hems dragging or items being snagged as they are shuffled from the car to the venue.

Find out more about all our pre-wedding and post-wedding bridal gown services.

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